11 Supplements to Increase Milk Supply
There are many ways to increase breast milk supply naturally but none are quite as effective as this list of 11 supplements to increase milk supply. Supplements and foods to increase your milk supply are almost immediately effective and all natural. These foods to eat and supplements to take to increase breast milk supply fast were so effective I had to stop taking some!
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How can I increase my breast milk supply with supplements?
As a breastfeeding mother the question crosses all of our minds at one point or another:
How can I increase my breast milk supply naturally?
After 6 years of breastfeeding under my belt (and still going strong with baby #3) I’ve got lots of tips, tricks, supplements, and treats that put my milk supply through the roof.
There are lots of natural ways to increase your milk supply at home fast with supplements and even through your diet.
My Milk Supply Journey
With my first child my milk supply was super low. I was young, and didn’t surf the web much at all. All of the books I read about motherhood, parenting, and children didn’t give very actionable advice on how to boost your breast milk supply.
I was also super thin and honestly didn’t lose the baby weight the healthiest way. It was gone in four weeks, but I didn’t eat as many calories as I could have and being much older and smarter now looking back, I’m sure the baby weight would’ve fallen off virtually as quickly if I had eaten a lot more calories in those first few weeks.
The weeks post partum are a healing period for your body. It is a nutrition and growing rich stage for your newborn.
Once I lost the baby weight my weight just kept going down even though I increased my eating. But what I was eating, though nutrient rich, was pretty calorie deficient.
My second child five years later I STILL lost the baby weight in six weeks, but I ate REALLY healthy. I didn’t go hungry at all, and I worked out more slowly. I used supplements and galactagogues to increase my breast milk supply through the roof.
Like ridiculously through the roof. Both of my babies loved breastfeeding and did it constantly. I supplied on demand and this time I STILL was suffering mild engorgement even while breastfeeding virtually around the clock and pumping a bit as well. So much so that I had to stop taking one of the supplements that for ME was boosting my supply too much!
Now, I know everyone’s body is totally different and will react to these tips differently, but I’m sure that if I give you a handful of wonderful helpful tips and tricks that one or more is going to suit you perfectly.
RELATED: Sanity Saving Breastfeeding Tips for New Moms
Can Lactation Supplements Increase Your Milk Supply too Much?
Yes, you can totally have too much breast milk also.
With my first child I never had a clogged duct. They don’t necessarily always come from having engorged breasts or too much milk, but it makes them a lot more common.
Have you ever had one? Oh my goodness they are terrible! Especially the first time I had one was so painful and lasted so long.
By my fourth clogged milk duct I was much more able to deal with it and nip it in the bud by the second day. Knowing the 7 remedies for a clogged milk duct was an absolute lifesaver!
I found a phenomenal infographic from Mom Loves Best, containing a multitude of tips to increase breast milk supply if you aren’t ready to dive into purchasing these extremely effective supplements. (OR even better, to use alongside supplements for an almost sure success in increasing milk supply!)
Postpartum Weight Loss While Breastfeeding
There is one struggle that so many moms have postpartum, knowing how to lose the baby weight safely while breastfeeding. Can you even do that? How can you diet and breastfeed? How can you lose the excess weight and not lose your milk supply?
Or how about learning lose the weight and increase your milk supply?!
For years I’ve been asked by my mom clients these same questions in different ways again and again. So as a certified online health coach, fitness trainer, maternal nutrition specialist, and mom of 3, I decided to compile the proven successful postpartum diet and exercise plan that I created for my breastfeeding mom clients into a program that now anyone can have access to!
It’s called the Milky Mama’s Postpartum Plan and it is built for you! To teach you everything you need to know to be successful at postpartum weight loss while breastfeeding!
Check out my 28 day plan now to help you regain strength postpartum with short effective workouts, increase your milk supply with loads of delicious recipes, and finally lose that excess baby weight at the same time!
Lactation Supplements to Increase Breast Milk Supply
My first and BEST advice for me was supplements and teas!
1. Fenugreek Capsules
Fenugreek is the most well known galactagogue. This herb is known to increase milk production, promote milk ejection and let down, improve breast health, and support babies digestion. I’ve had mediocre results with it myself but I know lots of breastfeeding moms who swear by it! It’s great to take in vegetarian capsules and very simple to take that way as well as in tea form. Almost every tea that increases milk production also contains fenugreek!
2. Mother’s Milk Tea
I am an enormous fan of traditional medicinals and love their teas! (I literally drink their Smooth Move Detox Tea every single day. If you just gave birth their Organic Smooth Move Tea is perfect to move things along naturally. Read more about it in my Delicious Detox Drinks.) Their Mother’s Milk Tea
is loaded with fenugreek, that gives you a healthy boost in supply and tastes very nice. Fenugreek tastes really similar to maple syrup and the tea tastes like black licorice with maple. This is amazing to always have on hand for the few months after giving birth when it’s essential to build up your milk supply.
3. Odorless Garlic Supplements
This was my absolute secret weapon for increasing my milk supply this time that you almost NEVER hear of! Garlic is a huge galactagogue! It is great to incorporate into your food as well to increase your milk supply naturally but that doesn’t compare to taking a daily supplement. This was the one trick that for me sent my milk supply through the roof! It also happens to be really affordable and don’t worry, it’s an odorless garlic supplement
variety! (Whew!)
4. Lactation Protein Powders
This is my favorite way to keep my milk supply high. The Milky Mama’s Postpartum Plan strongly encourages women to add lactation smoothies into their postnatal diet plans to fuel their body with nutrition while maintaining a healthy weight. Lactation protein powders are specifically designed to increase milk supply and can be added to any smoothie, energy ball, or baked recipe to boost up milk supply.
5. Organic Milkmaid Tea

Earth Mama Angel Baby Organic Milkmaid Tea is another very high quality way to increase your milk supply with supplements. It’s main ingredient is fennel, which fortunately I adore the taste of. (Think black licorice. You either love it or hate it, there is no in between!) This tea gives a great boost in supply when you are sure to drink it twice a day. It’s definitely worth giving a try!
6. Lactation Cookies

Does anyone else get a major sweet tooth when breastfeeding? I know I’m not alone and these Chocolate Chip Lactation Cookies really hit the spot and do give a bit of boost to your milk supply. Oatmeal and flax are wonderful natural galactagogues and are the main ingredients in this milk boosting mix.
The cookies actually taste really good and are so easy to make! I know I didn’t have to time to bake any milk boosting cookies from scratch as a new mom and these were the perfect solution! They even come in Oatmeal Raisin!
RELATED: The MOST Healthy Homemade Milk Boosting Cookie Recipe EVER!
If you would love to make super effective lactation cookies from scratch that are the most healthy, delicious, and satisfying recipe you’ll find I’ve got that for you too! These milk boosting cookies are sugar and butter free and loaded with galactagogues.
7. Lactation Bites
For another super healthy way to increase lactation try lactation bites! They are always sugar free, and are adapted from the fitness snack craze energy balls! Try the most lactogenic energy bites ever and chocolate superfood lactation bites! All of these recipes fit perfectly into the Milky Mama’s Postpartum Plan to help you lose the baby weight while breastfeeding.
8. Omega 3 Fish Oil Supplement

Omega 3 fatty acids are a lesser known natural way to increase milk supply. They definitely worked for me. Breast milk is mainly made up of healthy fats so it makes sense that taking a supplement of fish oil would help to boost your supply.
Adding lots of fish and coconut oil into your diet can also help. My consumption of fish wasn’t enough so I decided to take an Omega 3 Fish Oil Supplement, which is so great for so many things in your body that you really ought to be taking them anyways.
9. Lactation Smoothies
You can also increase your milk supply with a delicious breakfast smoothie! Seriously, this smoothie recipe has the strength of a handful of lactation cookies! Plus it’s satisfying and delicious.
You can even bump it up a notch with those lactogenic protein powders mentioned above. But you can make lactation smoothies without them as well!
10. Lactogenic Foods
Ok so foods aren’t really supplements per se, but I wanted you to have this resource anyways. Check out this list of lactogenic foods that you can add into your diet daily to keep a high milk supply. Supplements can help in extreme times of need, but changing up your diet can work wonders too if you know the right foods to consume.
The Milky Mama’s Postpartum Plan comes with over 56 recipes all designed to increase breast milk supply while helping you lose the baby weight and regain strength postpartum. It is a great resource for those looking to increase you milk supply every day!
11. Lactation Boosters
Lactation boosters are another one of my secret weapons when I need to boost my supply. Think of it as a chai latte. Whenever my supply dips or baby is going through a growth spurt I have 2 lactation boosters in almond milk (sometimes with cocoa powder too… they are really good that way!) and my supply is up again by the evening or next morning! I highly recommend giving these lactation boosters a try,
Wrapping Up How to Increase Milk Supply with Supplements
It can be really stressful and exhausting when your not producing enough milk and with these ways to boost your milk supply with supplements and yummy foods you’ll have one less thing to worry about.
- Sanity Saving Breastfeeding Tips and Tricks for New Moms
- Morning Smoothie that will Boost Milk Supply as well as 5 Lactation Cookies
- The BEST Protein Shake for Breastfeeding Moms to Shed the Baby Weight and Boost Supply
- Pilates with Baby Routine Safe for the 6 Weeks Post Partum
- Babywearing Workouts Every Mom Wishes She Knew
- Full Body Stroller Workout to Quickly Shed the Baby Weight
Try pumping after you nurse to bring up your supply. The more you demand and have letdown the more your body says “make more milk.” Rarely are your breasts truly empty. I was also drinking Healthy Nursing Tea to improve my milk production. It helped a lot!
That is another great tip to increase your breast milk supply! When I was attempting to bring in my milk more quickly postpartum while in the hospital with my second (who was ill at the time and we didn’t yet know why) the nurses encouraged me to do the same. It can help bring in your milk and increase the supply once you’ve got it going!
I was facing low supply and I used Healthy nursing tea. This is definitely helping me keep up with my cluster feeding LO (little one) who wants to nurse all day. I usually brew 2 tea bags for as long as I can (10mins+) before drinking. I drink this morning and night, and within about 4+ hours my breasts are engorged and leaking ready for feeding.
Wow those are impressive results Angela! I’m so glad the tea is working well for you to increase your milk supply! I have great success with anything with fenugreek in it myself too.