Guest Posting Guidelines for Vigor it Out

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I’m so excited that you want to guest post on Vigor it Out! We are open to accepting guest posts from other bloggers only looking to share valuable information on this website. If you are interested in posting for Vigor it Out, there’s a good chance you already know what the site is all about!

Primarily Vigor it Out it focused on mastering motherhood through nutrition, health, and fitness.

On the website we often cover:

  • Prenatal health and fitness tips
  • Postpartum fitness and recovery tips
  • Breastfeeding recipes and tips
  • Keto Diet / low carb recipes and tips
  • Slow cooker recipes
  • School lunch ideas
  • Healthy sugar-free desserts
  • Happiness in motherhood

On Vigor it Out we may accept posts that stray a bit from this list but those are the main topics that are covered most often. Does your idea for the website fall in line with those categories?


Current Website Stats for Vigor it Out

So you can decide now if posting on Vigor it Out is worth your time let me share some of the websites statistics with you for last month.

  1. The website has around 50,000 pageviews last month.
  2. A DA of 38.
  3. Over 35,000 combined social followers. (Most of those are on Pinterest. Which is where I focus my time and promotion. Vigor it Out has accounts for Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter as well, but less effort is placed growing those social media outlets.)

You should know prior to submitting a guest post that we reserve the right to accept or deny to publish a submitted guest post. All posts chosen must be a perfect fit for the readers of Vigor it Out. The voice of your submitted article must match the voice of the website so that it resonates with its audience.

If you question whether or not your ideas or writing style will fit, please review some of the recent posts on the website. You should keep in mind that Vigor it Out is aimed at mothers, it needs to be written to mothers. Know that your audience is mostly pregnant and postpartum moms ages 18-40 and create your voice accordingly.

There is a chance that even after creating and submitting a guest post that it still does not fall perfectly in line with this website. If that should happen to occur please know that you are then welcome to submit or article elsewhere or use it on your own website.

What we Require of a Guest Post on Vigor it Out

  • The article must be at least 1,000 high-quality words. High quality meaning that you are not adding “fluff” or “babble” to reach that word count. You are welcome to write a longer article if you should see fit. If you cannot put together an article of that length on your chosen topic, perhaps you should consider another topic that you can create a more thorough and helpful article about.
  • The content must be original. It cannot have been published before on any other website including your own.
  • No AI-written content
  • You must be familiar with basic SEO formatting for Google. Please use the correct headers within your article and use them often. Link to at least one reputable outside source within your article where it fits in naturally.
  • You must be familiar with Pinterest SEO. I will only accept posts I have a chance to rank on Pinterest for so please do Pinterest keyword research prior to submitting your article ideas.
  • Please write articles in a mobile-friendly format. Meaning please break up your text into small “paragraphs” of 1 to 3 sentences. 80% of our page views are on mobile and your article needs to be formatted to be easily read by those viewers.
  • Also, use bullets, numbers, and headers to break up text as you see fit.
  • If you choose to use images within the post please have the rights to use said images.
  • You are welcome to use a backlink in the article to either your homepage or an article of choice that fits in naturally and will benefit the readers. (This link will remain do follow.)
  • Please submit a short bio (and headshot if you would like one featured) to be placed at the end of the article. You are welcome to include a backlink to either your website or a social media outlet of choice in your bio. (This link will also remain do follow.)
  • If you are submitting a workout routine, photos must be submitted with each exercise. Either a personal photograph or one from online with proper credit given and permissions granted.
  • If you are submitting a recipe, multiple photos must be submitted of the final product as well as of the creation process.
  • Your post should be submitted with at least 3 captivating title ideas.

Still Ready to Get an Article Published on this Website?

Then I’m excited to hear from you! You can reach out to me (Allie Edwards) personally at .

When you email me please include your name, email, a link to your website (we only feature other bloggers on Vigor it Out), and your article ideas that you would most like to write about.

I look forward to hearing from you soon!

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