
Pregnancy Journey with Majka

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Is It Safe to Consume Majka Products During Pregnancy?

Majka is primarily marketed to support postpartum moms, with many products designed to enhance lactation. However, are Majka protein powder and other products safe for consumption during pregnancy?

**This post contains links to products I use and I feel will benefit you immensely. Read full disclosure here.**

The Importance of Prenatal Nutrition

Prenatal nutrition is of the utmost importance to focus on. We now know that the prenatal diet can affect your baby’s health throughout their entire lives. Adequate prenatal nutrition can potentially reduce the risk of conditions like ADHD, autism, diabetes, heart disease, and obesity later in life. It’s truly impactful, isn’t it?

The only prenatal program that breaks down proper prenatal nutrition and exercise to help you grow the healthiest baby possible (and have the most healthy pregnancy possible) is The Perfect Pregnancy Plan. Created by a certified health coach and fitness trainer who is certified in nutrition and lifestyle during pregnancy, this mom of 3 created an incomparable prenatal nutrition program every mother to be deserves to have.

See what moms and doctors are saying about The Perfect Pregnancy Plan!

the perfect pregnancy plan reviews

Majka Products During Pregnancy

Majka is a relatively new company (about 3 years) that was one of the very first of it’s kind within it’s market. A nutrition company aimed specifically at mothers postpartum. There were lactation teas available but not much else on the market for moms looking to increase their breastmilk supply.

Majka launched with their Nourishing Lactation Protein Powder and Majka Lactation Bites made with the protein powder and some other great nutritious ingredients.

Over the years, their range of postnatal nutrition products has expanded to support nearly every aspect of a mother’s postpartum journey.

From a postnatal protein powder featuring a beauty blend of collagen and other rejuvenating ingredients—ideal for refreshing you after countless months of sleepless nights (I’m in the same boat for nearly two years now!)—to a hydration booster that enhances your body’s ability to utilize water effectively (Definitely my new FAVORITE product!).

But what about during pregnancy? Majka, designed by moms for moms, currently focuses its marketing on postnatal health. However, given their meticulous attention to maternal and infant health, nutritional content, and more, are Majka products safe for consumption during pregnancy?

Is Majka’s Protein Powder Safe for Pregnancy?

majka for pregnancy

As always, it’s important to emphasize that discussing any dietary changes and supplements with your trusted physician or midwife before incorporating them into your pregnancy routine is essential. Every pregnancy is unique, and individual guidance is crucial.

But overall, Majka’s main product: 

their Nourishing Lactation Protein Powder, is a perfect choice to drink daily for added nutrition that your baby requires, Let’s take a closer look at why this product is a great choice to use while pregnant.

Majka Nourishing Protein Powder (loaded with extra nutrients!)

Amount of protein in this shake and it’s source:

  • 13 grams of protein in 100 calories from organic pea protein, organic hemp seeds protein, organic sunflower seed protein, organic quinoa sprout protein, organic pumpkin seed protein, and organic chia seed protein.

What is NOT in it?

  • vegan
  • non GMO
  • gluten free
  • soy free

What extra nutrients are in this protein powder to enhance pregnancy health?

Since Majka is formulated specifically for mothers during the postpartum period, particularly for consumption during lactation (another critical time requiring clean, high-quality nutrition), you can trust that they have meticulously selected ingredients, ensuring it is a safe and nutritious option as a protein powder during pregnancy.

  • Majka is designed to replace your postnatal vitamin. For which most people simply continue taking their prenatal. Because of this many of the additional nutrients are exactly what you need to be taking during pregnancy!
  • 400mcg as l-methylfolate, the type of “folic acid” that everyone can absorb and utilize to help prevent NTDs as we discussed in the chapter on prenatal vitamins.
  • 362 mcg iodine which is very important during pregnancy and very difficult to get in most diets without making a conscious effort. (it’s from the kelp in the greens blend!)
  • Spirulina and amino acid chelate for vegan sourced iron. It’s tough but vital to get enough iron during pregnancy, and we’ve already discussed the benefits of spirulina. You really should be taking it every day, this makes it really easy to do so and you can’t taste it in Majka.
  • An amazing digestive enzyme blend to aid in digestion.
  • A probiotic blend to keep your gut healthy and boost your immune system.

Approximate price point of this protein powder:

Majka Nourishing Protein Powder comes in both chocolate and green vanilla varieties. (I prefer the chocolate myself.

One bottle (15 servings) costs $65 but you can save 10% by purchasing 2 bottles for $117 or by subscribing to get a canister each month for 10% off as well.

It is one of the higher priced protein powders but that is because it is including so much more than just a simple protein powder in one scoop.

You will be able to eliminate taking additional probiotics, digestive enzymes, spirulina, AND will be getting a higher nutritional content as well when compared to the lower price pointed protein powders. Plus you can save 20% on your first order by using my custom code VIGORITOUT20

Try the vanilla option here, or try chocolate here.

DISCOUNT CODE ALERT!! If you want to try any of these products yourself, use my exclusive code VIGORITOUT20 for 20% off your first order.

What About Majka’s Other Products During Pregnancy?

Majka’s Replenishing Powder

Majka now has a second protein powder I love on the market but deciding whether or not it is right your your pregnancy requires a closer look. It’s called Majka’s Replenishing Powder.

This amazing collagen protein powder has enough nutrition in it that it is akin to taking a prenatal vitamin. It also has more than collagen in one single scoop. It also includes:

  • tons of nutrition
  • a digestive enzyme blend
  • greens
  • adaptogens.

One point worth noting though is that this collagen powder does contain ashwagandha, which there are opposing views as to whether or not it should be consumed during pregnancy.

how to eat and exercise during pregnancy

It has been used in India and in traditional Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years to support the energy of a pregnant woman and her fetus. This is in small doses.

There have been scientific studies done on the effects of very high doses of ashwagandha in pregnant animals causing miscarriage. Once again this is very high levels. For this reason some doctors will advise you to stay away from it altogether though others believe the opposite.

So do your own further research on ashwagandha and if you would want to use this during pregnancy or wait until the postpartum period. This collagen powder has a blend of multiple beneficial ingredients that add up to one gram together in which ashwagandha is an ingredient.

Whether yourself and your trusted medical provider favor more traditional medicine or more modern Western medicine may be the deciding factor on whether you can’t wait to use this protein powder while pregnant, or you may choose to abstain from trying it until the postpartum period.

Check out Majka’s Replenishing Collagen Powder now.

Majka’s Lactation Bites

majka lactation bites for pregnancy

These delicious little snacks are addictive. And I can’t keep my kids from eating them. They contain Majka’s lactation blend like the protein powder but is also loaded with lots of other delicious and nutritious ingredients. Things like:

  • Chia seeds
  • Flax seeds
  • Unrefined coconut oil
  • Coconuts
  • Dates
  • Almonds

The “lactation bites” are sweet also, and really can help with those sugary pregnancy cravings as they only contain 6 grams of sugar and sourced from the included fruit. (Dates are naturally super sweet.) 

I would however skip on a snack including sugar or fruit in cases of gestational diabetes, or definitely run it by your doctor first. Every baby can be negatively effected by frequent spikes in blood sugars from mom during gestation, so always eat sweet treats within reason during pregnancy. And sweets that are naturally sweetened like these lactation bites are ideal.

Also the healthy fats are vital to consume with sugars to keep you full longer, and help your body to utilize the sugars more slowly and keep your blood sugar from spiking, These Majka bites are loaded with healthy fats! These really are a perfect combination, especially for pregnancy.

Don’t forget, you can try any of these Majka products using code VIGORITOUT20 for 20% off your first order!

Wrapping Up Majka for Pregnancy

While Majka currently focuses on providing high-quality nutrition tailored to meet the needs of moms postpartum, many of their products also serve as excellent choices for consumption during pregnancy, promoting the growth of a healthier baby.

Spoiler alert: they are starting a line for pregnant moms too, and I can’t WAIT to see the things they come up with since their lactation products are already so high in nutrition that they even make great prenatal nutrition products as well.

If you have enjoyed learning about these amazing tips for prenatal nutrition be sure to check out The Perfect Pregnancy Plan, it’s right up your alley. It is the only course that will break down all the most up to date prenatal nutrition information so you can grow the most healthy baby possible.

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