
The Ultimate Healthy Pumpkin Spice Smoothie for Pregnant Moms!

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How to Make a Pumpkin Pie Pregnancy Protein Shake?

During pregnancy, a protein smoothie offers a convenient way to pack in essential nutrients for your baby’s development.

There are lots of variety of fruit and vegetable combinations to craft delightful pregnancy smoothies. This recipe celebrates the flavors of autumn, blending the rich taste of pumpkin with hints of molasses and pumpkin spice.

Discover the key ingredients to include in your pregnancy smoothie to ensure your baby gets all the vital nutrients in one delicious glass, quickly!”

**This post contains affiliate links to items I own and love and am confident will benefit you immensely! You can read the full disclosure here.**

healthy pregnancy pumpkin smoothie recipe

Which Nutrients Should You Add to Your Pregnancy Smoothie?

Nutrition during pregnancy is super important. In fact, this blog is based around that idea.

We now understand that your pregnancy diet can influence the activation or suppression of specific genes in the womb, laying the foundation for your child’s lifelong health.

Unfortunately, while nutrient requirements are through the roof during pregnancy, your energy requirements are not. Meaning that it is really important to get as much nutritious food into each meal as possible.

Your nutrient needs are so high during pregnancy, that even if you eat great every day, it is STILL recommended that you take a prenatal vitamin (Like the ones I take, Ritual Essential Prenatals) that is plant-derived and loaded with folate (not folic acid).

Learn more about the difference between folate and folic acid to make sure you are actually helping your baby’s growth and development the best you can.

What to watch for in your Prenatal Smoothies

I enjoy preparing pregnancy smoothies because:

  1. they are easy on the stomach.
  2. when made correctly, they are packed with nutrition.
  3. they are incredibly simple to whip up.

You do want to have a blend of fruit, veggies, and healthy fats along with the protein powder in yourr pregnancy smoothies. Or AT LEAST not too many just high carb fruits in there.

Reason being that frequent spikes in your blood sugar can have negative effects on your growing baby. And that is absolutely not only for people suffering from gestational diabetes, that is true for every pregnant woman.

You can learn all about that and more “prenatal nutrition secrets” (that all women should know about) in the Perfect Pregnancy Nutrition Plan. The ideal and most up-to-date prenatal nutrition program as of 2021.

It is based on dozens of the most recent scientific studies regarding prenatal nutrition. Tons of stuff that your OBGYN isn’t even going to tell you but absolutely should. It’s not their fault, they might not even know a lot of this information.

And don’t worry, in the Perfect Pregnancy Nutrition Plan I’m not just blabbering on scientific studies in ways that are super difficult to comprehend let alone remember with baby brain. I have compiled all the information into a super easy to understand format and what’s even better it’s easy to implement as well.

Every woman who is handed a positive pregnancy test should really be handed a copy of the Perfect Pregnancy Plan along with it. It is that revolutionary. The PPP breaks down:

  • the macronutrients
  • the micronutrients
  • also how to source them

that you need during your gestation.

Did you even know that we now know that what you eat during pregnancy has a direct effect on the morbidity and mortality of your baby? That what you eat if you know how to properly nourish that little growing thing can turn on and off their genes? Predisposing them to disease or making them less apt to suffer from it?

Epigenetics during pregnancy information should be given to every pregnant woman because we now know so much in 2021! Get your hands on the Perfect Pregnancy Plan now so that you can give your baby the best ability for a long and healthy life.

prenatal nutrition and fitness

How can you get all the nutrients you need into your pregnancy smoothie?

The primary reason that I love smoothies is the sheer simplicity with which you can include a ton of nutrition in one glass.

Here are 3 secret ingredients to make any smoothie a perfect pregnancy smoothie.

  1. Begin with a high-quality but affordable protein powder loaded with organic plant-based goodness, you are well on your way to having a wonderfully nutritious pregnancy smoothie.

I’m very picky about my protein powders. There are so many that are marketed as a health food and are truly loaded with horrible fillers that cause indigestion and more. Learn all the details on which protein powders are safe to drink while pregnant as well as what ingredients to avoid, AND the best protein powders for pregnancy.

**Always consult with your trusted physician before making any dietary changes, especially while pregnant.**

If you don’t want to hop over to that article for all the details I’ll sum it up here:

  • Your protein needs are super high during pregnancy! Think 100 grams a day kind of high.
  • You want to avoid any protein powders with soy, artificial sweeteners, and added sugars while pregnant and really indefinitely.
  • Look for a plant-based protein powder with clean ingredients that you can read, pronounce, and are familiar with.

I recommend as a first choice Shakeology. It contains:

  • 17 g of protein per serving and only 140 calories
  • 70+ superfoods
  • 6 grams of fiber
  • chlorella for healthy detoxification during pregnancy
  • probiotics and prebiotics
  • digestive enzymes
  • Lots more awesome you can check out here if you want.

If you are in need of new protein powder and want to give Ora Organic a try here’s 10% off now! Just enter VIGORITOUT10 at checkout. (Stolen from my other blog 😉 Vigor it Out.)

     2. Add in a tablespoon of chia seeds.

Seriously, they are one superfood you want to add into your diet as much as possible while pregnant. You can learn all about the top 5 foods that you want to include in your diet to grow the most healthy baby possible!

Chia seeds are high up on that list and for good reason! Chia seeds are loaded with healthy fats that baby needs, rich in many minerals that you need more of during pregnancy, and they aid in digestion! Which is something every preggo mama needs some help with.

   3. Add in some kefir.

Every day during pregnancy you want to be sure to consume some probiotic filled foods. (Probiotic supplements are good too. But it is always best to get your nutrients directly from your diet if possible.)

The 2 foods most rich in probiotics of all are kefir and sauerkraut brine. In one study, 1 tablespoon of kefir contains 150 billion colony forming units!

Sauerkraut brine is touted to have an equal amount of probiotics in 1 tablespoon of brine. However, it is a very strong flavor and may or may not suit you during pregnancy.

Pumpkin Spice Pregnancy Smoothie Recipe

pumpkin pie spiced pregnancy smoothie


  • 8 oz. milk of choice (I recommend unsweetened almond milk or whole milk)
  • 1 scoop vanilla Shakeology
  • 1 tsp pumpkin pie spice
  • 1 tsp molasses
  • 1 tbsp chia seeds
  • 1/2 c. pumpkin puree
  • 1 frozen banana
  • stevia to taste

Easy Peasy Instructions

  1. Slice the frozen bananas. Otherwise, they tend to get stuck in the blender blades.
  2. Add all ingredients to a blender and mix well.
  3. Allow to sit 5 minutes for the chia seeds to form a gel to aid more with digestion.
  4. Mix again or stir if you’d like.

Wrapping Up Pumpkin Spice Pregnancy Protein Smoothie

I hope you love this smoothie as much as I did! And know that you are doing the best you can for your baby by making smoothies like this! Smoothies like all the recipes in the Perfect Pregnancy Plan. You know, ones that are powerful enough to enhance fetal growth and development!

Eating for two can be yummy and powerful!

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