
How to naturally improve your health and happiness through essential oils, self care, health for kids, prenatal and postpartum care. Your health is what allows your strengths to shine in life. Learn natural ways to lead a healthy life by eliminating toxins, natural remedies with essential oils, finding happiness in motherhood, learning the art of self care and appreciation, as well as learning how to fit exercise into your daily mom life routine.

Nourishing Your Baby and Body: A Guide to Keto While Breastfeeding
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Nourishing Your Baby and Body: A Guide to Keto While Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding and keto might seem like two things that aren’t meant to go together, but it is being done by mothers all over the world to feed their babies while losing weight. However, ever since keto began trending, it has been followed by a host of warnings about its supposed dangers.  The dangers of keto…